At 4CTL, we believe deep, ongoing learning is key to living empowered and joyful lives, and to successful organisations.

Developing and sustaining a culture of learning in organisations means people are supported to continually grow and evolve

Learning cultures ensure organisations can develop and sustain capabilities to navigate challenges and complexity with confidence


Nonetheless, learning-centred cultures don't come easy.

They require transformative leaders, who understand the power of learning.

Such leaders are expert communicators; enable the power of collaborative and creative processes to flourish; and engage in critical reflection into their own, and the organisation’s, practices, approaches and culture

These are the 4C capabilities. They are vital to developing cultures of learning.

4C Transformative Learning are leaders and experts in educational research and practice. We support organisations to embed the 4Cs into daily practice, creating and sustaining a culture of learning to empower their teams.


What Is A Learning-Centred Culture?

A learning-centred culture defines an organisation that explicitly prioritises deep learning as a key capability to success.

It means the organisation understands:

  • explicitly how people develop the ability to learn, both individually and collaboratively.

  • how to make the right type of learning accessible at the right times in the right ways

  • how to make learning authentic, to harness the motivation of its people.

In the words of James McKenna:
Learning, after all, is what enables people to adapt to change and even become drivers of change. But…even even if people want to learn they may not know what to learn - or how to learn.”


What are the 4Cs?

The acronym 4Cs is shorthand for the capabilities of Communication, Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Reflection. 

Research shows that these 4Cs are critical in the ability of individuals and organisations to respond to complexity, challenges and opportunities with agility.

These capabilities are inherent in all humans, but they must be engaged and developed in the context and culture around us to ensure we deepen our ability to apply them.

The 4Cs are individual and collective capabilities that support the development of human agency and co-agency. Explicit learning and application of them by leaders can allow organisations to more effectively imagine, enable and enact transformative change.



Find out more on the 4C Organisations Website

Feel free to email your questions or to find out whether a bespoke learning partnership is right for your organisation, via our contact page.