Educational transformation for future-focused early learning

Empowering early childhood educators with capabilities that meet the 21st century.

Enable your leaders, educators and early childhood students with research-based professional learning that develops capabilities to realise their transformative potential and agency.

The strength of the 4CTL approach is its focus on building capabilities in creativity, critical reflection, communication and collaboration - the 4Cs. Through engaging and practical learning processes we help early learning centres to flourish as vital hubs for their communities.

Our processes and frameworks are proven to help ELC organisations to: 

  • create cultures of possibility and innovation;

  • embrace the challenge of engaging meaningfully with research; and

  • bring the EYLF to life in practical and sustainable ways.

What are the 4Cs?

The acronym 4Cs is shorthand for the capabilities of Communication, collaboration, creativity and Critical Reflection. 

Research has shown that these 4Cs are critical in the ability of individuals and communities to respond to changes and challenges with agility.

These capabilities are inherent in all humans, but they must be engaged and developed in the context and culture around us to ensure we deepen our ability to apply them.

The 4Cs are individual and collective capabilities. Explicit learning and application of them in leadership and classroom contexts can allow early learning organisations to more effectively imagine, enable and enact transformative change.

They also strongly support the development of human agency, self regulation and the development of the learning dispositions.

Interested in learning more about what a partnership with us could mean for your early learning context?

Contact us here and let us know a little about your centre, your learning needs/desires and where you see your centre potentially benefitting from strengthening capabilities with 4CTL. We’d love to find a time to talk with you, via Zoom, or over coffee.